middleman-minify-html Official Tooling Optimization

Minifies whitespace around HTML via Htmlcompressor.

middleman-syntax Official Tooling

Code syntax highlighting.

bh · Bootstrap Helpers Community Tooling

Include Bootstrap components in your Middleman views with short, documented, tested helpers. Supports alert boxes, modals, panels, navs, navbars, progress bars, dropdowns, icons, buttons and links.

capistrano-middleman Community Deployment

Deploy a middleman using capistrano

contentful_middleman Community Tooling

Load content from the Contentful CMS and let business users/editors manage the content in a Web UI.

ember-middleman Community Tooling Assets Ember

ember-middleman supports using Ember.js with Middleman in easily.

Emberman Community Tooling Ember

(Middleman + Ember)'s love child. Adds Ember, Ember Data and Handlebars to your project, pre-compiles Handlebars templates, uses production versions and ignores ingredient assets on build.

liquid-bourbon-middleman Community Tooling Operations Deployment Environments

Use Middleman static site generator with Bourbon and Liquid templates out of the box.

Mail2FrontMatter Community Email

allows you to email updates to your blog

middleboy Community Bower Slim Sass Coffeescript Bourbon Bootstrap JQuery Font Awesome Analytics Mobile

The ultimate Middleman Boilerplate with SASS, COFFEE, SLIM & more

middleman-alias Community Tooling

Add alias info to your frontmatter and Middleman will generate SEO friendly redirect pages.

middleman-apps Community Operations Deployment Dynamic Pages

Truly dynamic pages for Middleman

middleman-aria_current Community Accessibility Helpers

Indicate current (active) links using `aria-current`.

middleman-async-image Community Optimization

Convert targeted images to lower quality images and load asynchronously like Medium

middleman-automatic-clowncar Community Tooling Assets Generator

The easiest way to use responsive images in your Middleman site.

middleman-autoprefixer Community Tooling Assets

Autoprefixer integration to automatically vendor-prefix stylesheets.

middleman-aws Community Deployment

Simple set of rake tasks to build and deploy to AWS using s3_sync and cloudfront invalidation extensions.

middleman-blog-drafts Community Tooling

An addon for middleman-blog that simplifies draft posts creation and publishing.

middleman-blog-similar Community Generator Tooling

An extension for middleman-blog that adds method to lookup similar article.

middleman-bootstrap-navbar Community Tooling

Easily generate a Twitter Bootstrap navbar

middleman-breadcrumbs Community Navigation

Breadcrumbs helper for Middleman.

middleman-brotli Community

Compress assets with Brotli for maximum shrinkage

middleman-build-info Community Tooling

Incremental build information for Middleman.

middleman-build-reporter Community Tooling Operations Deployment Environments

Surface build-time and version details in your Middleman build.

middleman-build-sublime Community Tooling

Sublime Text Build Systems for middleman

middleman-cdn Community Deployment CDN

Automatic invalidation of CloudFlare, MaxCDN, AWS CloudFront, Fastly and Rackspace CDN cache.

middleman-cloudfront Community Deployment

An Amazon CloudFront extension for middleman which allows you to invalidate CloudFront CDN cache.

middleman-crawler Community Tooling Operations Environments CLI Crawler

Use a crawler to search error codes for your Middleman site

middleman-data_source Community Tooling

Mount remote JSON & YAML to the Middleman data object.

middleman-dato Community Tooling Deployment Assets

Let your clients manage the content of your Middleman website from a web admin interface. Images are managed by Imgix.

middleman-deploy Community Deployment

Deploy a middleman built site over rsync, ftp, sftp, or git (e.g. gh-pages on github).

middleman-disqus Community Generator

A Middleman extension to integrate Disqus into your site, supporting Disqus configuration variables and comment counts.

middleman-dokku Community Deployment Dokku

Deploy a middleman site to a Dokku instance

middleman-dotenv Community Environments

Integrates Dotenv into Middleman

middleman-ember Community Tooling Ember

Adds Ember assets to a Middleman project. Support for production version of Ember when building.

middleman-es6 Community Assets

ES6 for Middleman

middleman-facebook-pixel Community Generator Tooling

Generate your Facebook Pixel code.

middleman-favicon-maker Community Generator

Generate favicon files in various sizes from a base image.

middleman-firebase Community Tooling Operations

Rake tasks for deploying Middleman sites to Firebase Hosting

middleman-fontcustom Community Generator

Generate webfont files automatically.

middleman-foxycart Community Helpers Operations

FoxyCart (hosted eCommerce) helpers to generate product links (including HMAC verficiation links) and include the required Javascript in your templates.

middleman-fragment-caching Community Operations Deployment Cache

Middleman fragment caching extension like Rails.

middleman-geo_pattern Community Helpers Design

Integrate geo_pattern-gem into middleman

middleman-gibberish Community Tooling Generator

Password protected senstive web content with javascript only - even on s3!.

middleman-github-deploy Community Deployment Github

Build your Middleman site and push it to your gh-pages branch

middleman-google_drive Community Tooling

Load content from Google Drive.

middleman-google-analytics Community Generator Tooling

Generate your Google Analytics tracking code.

middleman-hotjar Community

Generate your Hotjar analytics tracking code.

middleman-imageoptim Community Tooling Optimization

Automatically compress and optimise your imagery during 'middleman build'.

middleman-imgix Community Tooling Assets

Run all of your images (or only some) through imgix for all sorts of fun features.

middleman-inline-style Community Tooling

Inline all css into style attributes. Useful for email templates.

middleman-inliner Community Optimization Assets

Inline JS/CSS for frontend performance.

middleman-jammit Community Tooling

Use Jammit in Middleman.

middleman-jspm Community Assets

Add support for JSPM to Middleman

middleman-keycdn Community Deployment CDN

Purge a KeyCDN zone cache

middleman-knockoutjs Community Generator Tooling

Adds KnockoutJS assets to a Middleman project. Also includes support for Jasmine unit testing.

middleman-medium Community Generator Tooling

Fetches a preview of published posts from Medium Feed

middleman-meta-tags Community Tooling

Easy integration of meta tags into your Middleman applications

middleman-navtree Community Generator

Automatically generate navigation trees and menus in your middleman site.

middleman-ngmin Community Tooling Assets

Transform AngularJS code in the asset pipeline to be safe for minification.

middleman-ogp Community Generator

Adds OpenGraph Helper.

middleman-org Community Org-mode

Middleman org-mode extension

middleman-pagegroups Community Assets Helpers Navigation Tooling

Simple, automatic navigation for groups of Middleman pages. Siblings, Children, Breadcrumbs, and more.

middleman-patterns Community Tooling

An implementation of Pattern Lab for Middleman

middleman-php Community Tooling

Use PHP files in Middleman

middleman-piwik Community Generator Tooling

Generate a Piwik tracking code.

middleman-portfolio Community Generator

A low-drama portfolio generator for your middleman site.

middleman-protect-emails Community Email Security

Email link protection and obfuscation

middleman-pry Community Tooling

Replaces Middleman's built-in console with Pry, à la pry-rails.

middleman-rackspace Community Deployment

Deploy your Middleman site to Rackspace Cloud Files.

middleman-related-articles Community Tooling

Automatically identify related articles in your Middleman blog

middleman-robots Community Tooling

Creates a `robots.txt` file on build based on a configuration.

middleman-rsync Community Deployment

Deploy middleman sites via rsync.

middleman-s3_redirect Community Deployment

Configure S3 to redirect URLs to a new location.

middleman-s3_sync Community Deployment

Tries really hard not to push files to S3 (but will gladly do it if it must).

middleman-scavenger Community Assets Tooling

Automatically create and use SVG sprite sheets

middleman-search Community Tooling Search Lunr.js

Lunr.js based search engine for Middleman sites

middleman-search_engine_sitemap Community Generator

Tell search engines which pages are most important in your Middleman site.

middleman-segment Community Generator Tooling

Generating your Segment tracking code

middleman-settings Community Config Settings Environments

Use config files to manage your settings in your app with multi environments

middleman-simple-thumbnailer Community Generator

Generate thumbnails of images, by providing resize_to option to image_tag helper.

middleman-sitemap Community Generator

Generate sitemaps for your Middleman site with options for GZIP and hostname

middleman-sitemap-ping Community Deployment Operations Tooling

Ping search engines (Google and Bing) with a sitemap URL

middleman-slim-foundation-emberjs-emblemjs Community Tooling Ember

Base setup for an emberjs application using foundation, emblemjs, and slim.

middleman-spellcheck Community Tooling

Run the aspell spell checker after the assets have been built

middleman-svg-fallback Community Optimization

Generate nice JPEG and PNG files from any SVG files.

middleman-sync Community Deployment

Synchronise your Middleman build to S3 and more.

middleman-target Community Tooling

Create and build source for separate build targets.

middleman-targets Community Assets Environments Helpers Tooling

Build and serve multiple targets with granular feature control and automatic images.

middleman-thumbnailer Community Generator

Generate thumbnails of images

middleman-title Community Tooling

Easily set page titles for your website.

middleman-vcard Community Generator

A Middleman extension to generate VCards and useful helpers to work with..

middleman-versions Community Tooling Deployment Settings

Compile different middleman site versions with custom data injected

middleman-webp Community Tooling Assets

Generates WebP alternatives for each image file during build.

statistrano Community Deployment

Deploy any static site via rsync as versioned releases or feature branches.

Surf-N-Perf Community Tooling Assets Helpers WebPerf

Micro-library for gathering front-end web performance data. Includes helpers for Middleman projects.